Organic Restful Bliss Blend

60 Cups

The Organic Restful Bliss Blend features Vervain with 20+ beneficial plant compounds, offering antitumor effects, neurological protection, anxiety reduction, and support for heart and gum health. Combined with Linden flower and other compounds, this blend fosters tranquility, aids in detoxification, reduces inflammation, and enhances overall wellness.

🌿 Vervain contains 20+ beneficial plant compounds

🧠 Protects nerve cells, aids brain function after stroke, combats Alzheimer's

😌 Reduces anxiety, manages convulsions or seizures

🔥 Anti-inflammatory, supports gum and heart health

🌸 Linden flower aids in anxiety reduction, detoxification, and digestion improvement

💪 Powerful blend boosts overall body wellness🌼 Enhances tranquility, promotes homeostasis, aids detoxification

🍵 Serving Info
Pour 8-12 oz of boiling spring water (212* F) over 1tsp. of tea. Steep 5-15 minutes and enjoy. 1-3 cups daily. This is your daily mineral booster intake.


  • Promotes Relaxation and Sleep
  • May Aid in Digestion
  • Potential Stress and Anxiety Relief
  • Supports Respiratory Health
  • May Help with Menstrual Symptoms
  • Antioxidant Properties


  • Aids in Digestive Health
  • Potential Hormonal Balance Support
  • Relieves Nausea and Indigestion
  • Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties
  • May Aid in Headache Relief
  • Supports Oral Health


  • Promotes Relaxation and Sleep
  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects
  • May Aid in Digestion
  • Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  • Supports Skin Health
  • May Help with Menstrual Pain


  • Boosts Immune System Function
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • May Reduce Duration of Colds
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects
  • Supports Heart Health
  • May Help Reduce Allergy Symptoms

Red Rose Buds

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Supports Skin Health
  • Potential Stress Reduction Benefits
  • May Aid in Digestion
  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Contains Vitamin C

Linden Flower

  • Calming and Relaxing Effects
  • May Help Reduce Anxiety
  • Supports Digestive Health
  • Potential Relief for Colds/Coughs
  • May Aid in Sleeping Troubles
  • Antioxidant Properties


  • Aids in Digestive Health
  • Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties
  • Supports Skin Health
  • May Relieve Anxiety and Stress
  • May Help Reduce Cholesterol
  • Potential Pain Relief Properties

Raspberry Leaf

  • Supports Women's Health
  • May Ease Menstrual Symptoms
  • Aids in Digestive Health
  • May Assist in Labor
  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
  • Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Orange Peel

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Supports Digestive Health
  • May Aid in Weight Loss
  • Boosts Immune System Function
  • Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects
  • Contains Vitamins and Minerals
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