Organic Ginger Healer

60 Cups

The Organic Ginger Healer is a versatile herbal supplement used for centuries to combat colds, aid digestion, and reduce inflammation. It supports digestive health, weight loss, cognitive function, mood, respiratory health, blood glucose balance, immune system, skin and hair care, sleep, hormonal balance, heart health, and detoxification.

🤒 Combats colds, aids digestion, reduces inflammation

🩺 Anti-inflammatory properties alleviate stomach issues🍽️ Helps with ulcers, indigestion, enhances metabolism for weight loss

🧠 Improves cognition, psychological performance, mood swings, anxiety, depression

🤧 Remedies sore throat, nasal congestion, asthma, bronchitis

🩸 Balances blood glucose levels, enhances immune system

🌿 Alleviates spasms, pain, dermatological disorders

💆 Nourishes skin, scalp, prevents dandruff, hair loss, promotes thicker hair

😴 Assists with insomnia, hormonal imbalances, heart health🧼 Blood purifier, detoxifier, improves renal and liver function

🍵 Serving Info
1-3 cups daily before or after meals. For Tea boil (212*F) ½ tsp of ginger powder in 8 oz of spring water. Steep 5min. Strain, Serve and Enjoy! For Shot quick boil (212*F) 1/8 tsp of ginger powder in 1 oz of water. Let sit until room temperature. Enjoy!

Ginger Root

  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects
  • Aids in Digestive Health
  • May Reduce Nausea and Vomiting
  • Potential Pain Relief
  • Supports Immune System Function
  • May Help Lower Blood Sugar
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